Urban Oasis
A unique salon, with a friendly, yet professional atmosphere...

Mini Facial; Includes cleanse, tone, a choice of masks, and moisturizer, a relaxing treatment that takes 20 mins £14.00
Spa Facial; Deep cleansing and toning treatment, which includes a choice of masks, and a relaxing massage, lasting 45 mins £24.00
Custom Made Facial; Includes skin analysis, any necessary extractions, a deep cleansing massage and taylor made mask. We have a large range of masks, suitable for all skin types, including hydrating, collagen, detox, and many more. This treatment lasts 1 hour 15 mins. £32.50
LED Facial; Deep cleansing and toning treatment, which is complimented with a serum which is activated using an LED light. Coloured light is used to treat various problematic skin types. Including acne, ageing, and general rejuvenation. The treatment includes a relaxing facial massage, and lasts 45 Minutes. £25.00
Acid Peel With LED Facial; An acid peel gently removes the top layers of skin, helping improve pigment, acne, scaring, blemishes and more. The acid is only on your skin for 1-2 minutes, your therapist will time it to suit your skin, and the required results. This is then complimented with the use of LED coloured light, which can penetrate deeper after the use of the acid peel. The treatment lasts 50 Mins. £40.00